Saturday, July 25, 2009

House is ready for handover ... September 2009

Visited the house today with a real estate agent. The sales office lady told me that the house is almost completed and currently in progress of connecting the power utility.

I had a visit to the lower unit of the show house. What a transformation! I was so impressed to see the interior designer had done quite an amazing work in transforming the ugly duckling. Well, to be honest, the lower unit although is a beauty in its own right but not my cup of tea especially after I set eyes on the upper unit. My wife was the one that insisted that we should take up the lower unit. Probably her profession as interior designer, she saw what I didn't see.

Anyway, with the tentatively hand over date looming on the horizon, we are getting excited about it and at the same time, was in a dilema of whether to stay, rent or sell. Only time will tell.